Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you test the soil in my lawn?

We strive to achieve the optimum nutrient levels that will produce a healthy, green lawn. Soil testing is an important tool to help us design a nutrient program for your lawn. We follow guidelines set by the State of Virginia on the application of lawn nutrients, including nitrogen and phosphorus. A soil test allows us to know the various levels of nutrients in your lawn's soil.

Will rain have an effect on my lawn application?

If it should rain the same day that we make your lawn application, the results may be affected. If this occurs, please allow two weeks and if you do not see a change in the appearance, usually curling or yellowing of the weeds, then call us. We offer free service calls and will return to spray them again with no additional charge.

How soon should I see an improvement in my lawn?

Results usually can be noticed within two to three weeks after an application.

How high should I mow my lawn?

Most lawns in the Richmond area are Tall Fescue and should be mowed around 3 inches.

Is your service continuous from year to year?

Yes, we continue to service your lawn year after year until you tell us to stop. You can stop our service at any time by phone or email.

How often should mulch be applied and how thick?

Generally, mulch can be applied every 1 to 2 years. Most homeowners apply a light layer every year to make the shrub beds fresh and the borders neat.

How often should lime be applied to my lawn?

Lime raises the soil pH of your lawn. If the pH is below 6.2, we recommend an application. The frequency and number of lime application should be determined by the results of a soil test.

When is the best time to water my lawn?

When possible, you should water in the mornings, particularly if your lawn has a history of Brown Patch Disease.

How can I get rid of moles?

Moles can tunnel and damage turf by creating air spaces under the turf allowing the roots to dry out and die. There is no easy way to eradicate moles but we suggest reducing their food source with use of insect controls and try using baits and traps.

What kind of grass seed is best to use in my lawn?

Most lawns in this area are Tall Fescue. There are several good varieties and blends available. It is recommended for use in residential lawns with full sun or partial shade. Shady lawns may perform better with shade tolerant varieties of Fine Fescues, such as Creeping Red Fescue.